

Virtuoso Cardistry Videos: Evolution

Author Ivan
Virtuoso Launch Edition

Virtuoso Launch Edition

Before the viral "Air Time" cardistry video, The Virts has released trailers for the Virtuoso deck since the launch edition back in 2013. Adaptive Aesthetics is the first video featuring the iconic design.

Virtuoso Spring/Summer 2014

A low key launch video for the SS14 simply titled, What's the best deck for Cardistry?

Virtuoso Spring/Summer 2015

The SS15 launch viral trailer, Air Time is a game changer! The stylish trailer has the online community buzzing. The trailer features members of The Virts performing cardistry moves in their iconic sleek style while highlighting the new Virts SS15 deck.

Virtuoso Spring/Summer 2016

An awesome cardistry video- Liquid Paper, ahead of the official launch of the SS16 Virtuoso deck. This incredible video is inspired by films such as β€œBirdman”, to appear as a single continuous shot from start to end. Along with the delicious mechanisations, glitched out moments and clockwork tickings of Koloto's chill-out music, the video also features audio samples from Bruce Lee’s iconic β€œBe like Water” interview. Liquid Paper is a thoroughly satisfying Cardistry video!

Virtuoso Fall/Winter 2017

For the first time, theVirts are releasing a Fall/Winter Edition of the popular deck, away from the usual Summer/Spring Editions. Following the announcement, the group has released an EPIC trailer.

Author Ivan
Published at: July 20, 2022 July 20, 2022

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More insight about Virtuoso Cardistry Videos: Evolution